First of its kind in Africa – A Holistic Health & Wellness Centre. Rejuvenate your body, mind and soul with Ayurveda, Yoga & Meditation.

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Naadi Pariksha – Pulse Diagnosis

  /    /    /  Naadi Pariksha – Pulse Diagnosis


Naadi Pariksha is the ancient Ayurvedic non-invasive technique of diagnosis through the pulse that not only identifies and addresses the symptoms, but also discerns the root cause of any ailment. Pulse diagnosis can accurately determine physical, mental and emotional imbalances and disease in the body.

It is an accurate mechanism that has been practiced for over 5000 years. The qualified and experienced practitioners at The Happiness Center use this technique to design a personalized wellness regime for each individual. This includes therapeutic massage treatments, personalized diets, exercise regimes, detoxification procedures and essential lifestyle changes that help maximize the benefits from our treatments.

Pulse diagnosis helps identify diseases at an early stage, and the sooner an illness is diagnosed, the easier it is to undertake preventive care.

Book your slot with one of our Pulse Diagnosis consultants today.


30 minutes


₦ 29,600.00


There should be a 3-hour gap between meals and the time for Pulse Diagnosis. You can come before breakfast or 3 hours after your meals.

