Desktop Yoga
Experience Profound Rest at your desk
Desktop yoga includes simple stretches, breathing, pranayama and meditation which can be practiced sitting on a chair during office hours. It helps to overcome stress, tension, eye strain, back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain and muscle tension due to being in a prolonged seated position at the office.
1 hour session
For senior executives, business owners and professionals.
Currently available both online via video conferencing and in person at The Happiness Center or Your location.
Login to your Mind
Increased Energy, enhanced state of mind
Login to your MIND is a custom designed program. It is a combination of simple yogic breathing, Sukshma Vyayama (Subtle Yoga), relaxation techniques and meditation. This program addresses the stress management of the employees. It helps them learn how to manage their stress, working at the physical, mental and intellectual levels of their personality.
1 hour session
For senior executives, business owners and professionals.
Currently available both online via video conferencing and in person at The Happiness Center or Your location.